Monday, August 10, 2009

Downloadable resources

I browsed a book of criticism of Ray Bradbury's Faranheit 451. I think that reading something online is okay for brief articles, but a whole book would be a bit too much for me.

In order for me to download a copy it, I had to install the Follett Digital Reader.

I'm not a fan of ebooks, but in a pinch it's good to be able to get something online you might not otherwise have access to.

Flickr Upload

Last Roll - 38.jpg
Originally uploaded by curunir832
This is a picture from my flickr account I took last spring which shows a set of stairs which used to span the Parkway East, starting at 2nd ave, and reaching to Boehm St near Frazier Field.

A youtube video I really like. I laughed so hard I cried the first time someone showed this to me.

Monday, May 11, 2009

first post

This is my first, no second, (third?) blog post. Not sure how I really feel about it, or that anybody would actually be interested in reading it: either in this, or whatever its "real" incarnation might be.

23 thingsnat has been fine. I've felt pretty connected, and have used/have knowledge of most of the tools mentioned.

Though I don't use them in my personal life.

Zum Biespiel, I don't get twitter, I really don't.